Monday, June 6, 2011

What are you wearing? IDK....

Here is yet another nail polish finish, the holographic, or holo polish. This finish is generally beloved by nail polish addicts, because it is SO SPARK-A-LEEE (emphasis necessary). While the name holographic brings to mind holograms, and Star Trek, and those birthday cards with the changing images, it doesn't necessarily refer to any of these things. It's more about the rainbow effect you can see when  light hits the polish.
This particular polish is China Glaze IDK, from the 2008 Spring Collection, OMG.(see the China Glaze Wiki, here, for more info). I used one coat of base coat, 3 coats of polish, and 1 coat of Poshe topcoat. 2 coats left some uneven spots on the nail, so I used three for good measure. This light, slightly greyed, purple doesn't look like all that much in low lighting, but give her some sun and bam! (Flash approximates...I wore this for 4 days before it started chipping, and we had 4 days of rain. Boo.) All images are clickable!

She was a birthday present a couple of years ago, so the total cost to me: $0. One of the best ways of getting free polish is to let your friends and family know that you are a polish fiend! The cost of China Glaze nail polish varies, since they are very widely carried by several retailers. ebay tells me IDK has been discontinued, and looks to be going for about $15 a bottle. Damn...glad I got it for free when I did.

I have two other colors from the same collection, so maybe when the sun comes back, I'll swatch those too. Yay, shiny things!